Thursday, 28 October 2010

Is there something wrong with me?

4100) When girls with gorgeous bodies tell me their weights, and they weigh more than me, I look at myself and wonder what other people see. I wonder why I feel so fat and disgusting, when I can clearly see that they're beautiful.

4091) I wish people understood that you don’t have to be underweight to have an Eating Disorder.
4056) I can feel myself slipping into an ed, some days i care but most of the time I wish it would happen faster.

Why do these appeal to me so much? :/

Monday, 25 October 2010

poem I wrote ages ago about love...

It seems to me that love is a daydream,
You are blissfully unaware of reality,

You can’t get him off your mind
He’s your first thought when you wake
Your last thought when you fall asleep.
You are so in love
You cannot imagine your life without him
And you cannot remember how you lived,
Before him.

He makes you feel complete.

Lying in his arms you feel safe,
And the rest of the world disappears.
Your fingers entwine
And you can’t help but smile.
You kiss him and you feel like you are flying
Your head spins round
As you realise there’s nowhere else in the world
That you would rather be.

The first time he said those words
Those 3 beautiful words
I love you.
And you know he meant it.

You tell your friends of your love
Your plans.
You swear he’s the one,
And that you will never love someone else
Because in your eyes he is perfection
And you don’t care what anyone else says.
You are in love.

You are so young.
You give everything to him
Begging for it all in return
And if you don’t get it you feel worthless
You wonder how he could love you
Want to be with you
For all you see in the mirror is ugliness
And you want never to lose him
As you fear you will never find someone like him
For the rest of your life.

You believe everything that he says
Trust in him entirely
For he said those 3 words
I love you.

You let yourself get caught up in his mistakes
His lies
Because you think it’s just a one off.
You need him
You cannot cope without him.
He hurts you
But you forgive
Because you are so caring,
Even though your friends say he’s not worth it.
It all comes down to those 3 words
I love you.

Saturday, 16 October 2010

EP - random scribblings

© Becky Snowden, 2010!
I’m quite chuffed considering I just wrote it off-the-cuff cos I had a sudden idea, I do waffle a bit, what do you think?

‘In undertaking such a project as a research into autobiography, one should realise that they are always written with a certain aim or purpose in mind, thus rendering he work somewhat biased. One must also consider the fact that memory is crucial to works of this genre, but this memory is, as DuBois writes, “always incomplete, and often unreliable” because “there are difficulties; memory fails especially in small details.” (pp. 12-13). The combination of these factors, with the addition of the author’s personal opinions and prejudices ultimately affect the outcome of an autobiography which leads critics to view the works with a skeptical eye. One must study the facts carefully and allow for mistakes or omission of key events/factions, or the misrepresentation of events to achieve the desired effect.’

I love writing! As I said, I do waffle, but I think it makes sense?
© Becky Snowden, 2010! (just in case ;D)